A new release of digiKam Recipes is ready for your reading pleasure. This version features the Using Album Categories recipe and reworked material on using the tagging functionality in digiKam. As always, the new release includes updates, fixes and tweaks.
The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.14.0.
This version is the result of another bugs triage on KDE bugzilla where more than 20 files have been closed.
Thanks to Maik Qualmann who maintain KDE4 version.
This release will be the last stable release dedicated from 4.x series. We are now focused on next 5.0.0 release planed on spring 2016. This next main version will support Qt5 and KF5. The first beta1 will be released soon.
A new release of digiKam Recipes is ready for your reading pleasure. This version features completely revised material on one of the most complicated subjects in digital photography: color management. The completely rewritten Color Management in digiKam recipe now provides an easy-to-understand introduction to key color management concepts and explains how to set up a color-managed workflow in digiKam. The recipe also offers practical advice on calibrating and profiling digital cameras and displays.
The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.13.0.
This release is the result of another huge bugs triage on KDE bugzilla where more than 30 files have been closed.
Thanks to Maik Qualmann who maintain KDE4 version while
KF5 port and GSoC 2015 projects are in progress. Both are planed to be completed while sprint 2016.
The Randa Meeting is an annual KDE sprint that takes place in Randa, Switzerland. The KDE project is holding a fundraiser to support the Randa Meetings. Participants donate their time to help improve the software you love and this is why we need money to cover hard expenses like accommodation and travel to get the volunteer contributors to Randa.
The Randa Meetings will benefit everyone who uses KDE software. This year, digiKam team will go to Randa meeting to continue and finalize the KF5/Qt5 port. You can support the Randa Meetings by making a donation, following the official page. Thanks in advance...
The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.12.0.
This release is the result of another huge bugs triage on KDE bugzilla where more than 145 files have been closed.
Thanks to Maik Qualmann who maintain KDE4 version while
KF5 port and GSoC 2015 projects are in progress. Both are planed to be completed before end of this year.
The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.11.0.
This release is the result of huge bugs triage on KDE bugzilla where more than 250 files have been closed as duplicate, invalid, or upstream states.
Thanks to Maik Qualmann who maintain KDE4 version while
KF5 port and GSoC 2015 projects are in progress. Both are planed to be completed before end of this year.
The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.10.0. This release includes a new sets of bugs fixes from Maik Qualmann who maintain KDE4 version while KF5 port is under progress.
This version introduce also new interroperability patches made by Alan Pater to support ACDSee and MediaPro metadata.
A new release of digiKam Recipes is ready for your reading pleasure. This version features completely rewritten material on using digiKam to emulate various photographic effects (including the new recipe on how to create a faded vintage look). The book features two new recipes: Geotag Photos with Geofix and Update the LensFun Database. As always, the new release includes minor updates, fixes and tweaks.
Geofix is a simple Python script that lets you use an Android device to record the geographical coordinates of your current position. The clever part is that the script stores the obtained latitude and longitude values in the digiKam-compatible format, so you can copy the saved coordinates and use them to geotag photos in digiKam's Geo-location module.