Almost all images contain meta-data and these data contains all the setting that you used to create the picture, these include, shutter speed, aperture, focal length etc.
Most image management applications allows you to add and remove custom meta data to your files. This can be easily done while using JPEG's files. However the same is not very true for RAW files. Continue to read...
The digiKam Tricks book version 2.0 is now available. Here is what's new in this release:
New book cover
Convert Photos to Black and White
Geotag Photos with Open GPS Tracker and digiKam
Instant Vintage Photo Effects with the FIL Script for GIMP
Work with Photo Metadata in digiKam
New figures added
Numerous tweaks and fixes
Touch up Photos with GIMP Scripts removed
Geotag Photos with Geotag removed
Readers who already purchased the book will receive the new version free of charge. If you haven't received your copy, please send me your order confirmation as proof of purchase to and I'll email you the latest version of the book. Happy reading!
Inside each digital photo hides metadata in the EXIF, IPTC, or XMP formats, and digiKam provides tools for viewing and editing this useful information.
For starters, digiKam’s main window features the dedicated Metadata sidebar which lets you view EXIF, Makernote, IPTC, and XMP metadata. You can switch between concise and full views as well as print the metadata, save them as a file, and copy them into the clipboard. Continue to read
You don’t need a fancy camera with a built-in GPS receiver to geotag your photos. An Android device with the Open GPS Tracker app and digiKam can do the job just fine. The app lets you track your route and save it as a GPX file which you can then use to geocorrelate your photos in digiKam. Continue to read
If you fancy black and white photography, you'll be pleased to learn that digiKam features a rather powerful tool for converting color photos to black and white. Turning the currently edited photo to black and white in digiKam is a matter of choosing Color » Black & White. But in most cases, the converted photo needs additional tweaking, and the application offers a few nifty tools to do just that. Continue to read
Thanks to the marvelous job of our KDE sysadmins, digiKam is another project to join the git repository. All the code (digiKam, kipi-plugins) that lived in the SVN is no more accessible through SVN and all is part of git now. DigiKam and its dependencies live in several repos, but thanks to Marcel Wiesweg, you can use a nice small script, that will get you going:
If you have a handful of storage cards in your photo bag, there is no need to worry about how many photos you can take before your digital camera runs out of memory. This means that you can easily take dozen of shots of the same subject trying different angles, composition, and lighting. But this also makes the task of picking the best photo from the batch a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, digiKam provides a simple yet efficient tool that can help you to compare and analyze multiple photos side by side and pick the one you like most. Continue to read
digiKam team is proud to announce the second digiKam Software Collection 2.0.0 beta release!
With this release, digiKam include Tags Keyboard Shorcuts feature to simplify tagging operations in your photograph workflow.
digiKam software collection 2.0.0 include all Google Summer of Code 2010 projects, as XMP sidecar support, Face Recognition, Image Versioning, and Reverse Geocoding. All this works have been processed during Coding Sprint 2010. You can find a resume of this event at this page.
digiKam comes with a nifty batch utility that allows you to convert RAW files to the DNG format. The question is, of course, why you would want to do that. After all, digiKam can handle RAW files without any problem, so what’s the point of adding one more step to your photographic workflow? Continue to read
digiKam team is proud to announce Kipi-plugins 1.8.0 !
kipi-plugins tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url
See below the list of new features and bugs-fix coming with this release.
Enjoy digiKam.
001 ==> 261275 : General : [PATCH] kipi-plugins 1.6.0 fails to build (final). 002 ==> 253257 : SmugExport : Program uploads only part of file or smaller version of file and match error occurs. 003 ==> 257514 : PrintImages : Scaling of Pictures for print. 004 ==> 196855 : GPSSync : Remember last postition, remember last view mode, cache the last view. 005 ==> 262125 : DngConverter : DNG Conversion can’t be inverted. Embedded file is corrupted. 006 ==> 245956 : PicasaWeb : Upload video from Digikam to Picasa. 007 ==> 262642 : AdvancedSlideshow : Better looking of “captions” during slideshow [patch]. 008 ==> 263545 : PicasaWeb : Crashed, when trying to import photo from picasaweb.
Indeed why? Risky and pointless.
Pointless exercise, actually risking more, gaining nothing.
Read more →kipi-plugins 1.8.0 released…
Dear all digiKam fans and users!
digiKam team is proud to announce Kipi-plugins 1.8.0 !
kipi-plugins tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url
See below the list of new features and bugs-fix coming with this release.
Enjoy digiKam.
001 ==> 261275 : General : [PATCH] kipi-plugins 1.6.0 fails to build (final).
Read more →002 ==> 253257 : SmugExport : Program uploads only part of file or smaller version of file and match error occurs.
003 ==> 257514 : PrintImages : Scaling of Pictures for print.
004 ==> 196855 : GPSSync : Remember last postition, remember last view mode, cache the last view.
005 ==> 262125 : DngConverter : DNG Conversion can’t be inverted. Embedded file is corrupted.
006 ==> 245956 : PicasaWeb : Upload video from Digikam to Picasa.
007 ==> 262642 : AdvancedSlideshow : Better looking of “captions” during slideshow [patch].
008 ==> 263545 : PicasaWeb : Crashed, when trying to import photo from picasaweb.
digiKam Recipes Book
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