
Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source

digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0 released…

by digiKam.


Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0. This version include a new core implementation to manage faces, especially face recognition feature which have never been completed with previous release. Face detection feature still always here and work as expected.

Mahesh Hegde who has work on Face Recognition implementation has published a proof of concept demo on YouTube.

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digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0 for Windows Released

by Ananta Palani.

I am pleased to announce the release of digiKam 3.2.0 for Windows built against KDE 4.10.2 that can be downloaded from the KDE repository. The build platform is the same as for 3.1.0 and 3.0.0. If you encounter any problems please file a very detailed bug report.

Bug fixes include those completed for the digiKam 3.2.0 source release as well as:

1. Nothing happening when trying to edit geolocation bookmarks
2. Crash/hang when using in-painting and restoration tools due to thread leak

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digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0-beta3 is out..

by digiKam.


Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the 3rd beta release of digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0. This version currently under development, including a new core implementation to manage faces, especially face recognition feature which have never been completed with previous release. Face detection feature still always here and work as expected.

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digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0-beta2 is out..

by digiKam.

showfoto 3.3.0

Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the second beta release of digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0. This version currently under development, including a new core implementation to manage faces, especially face recognition feature which have never been completed with previous release. Face detection feature still always here and work as expected.

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digiKam Software Collection 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 for Windows Released

by Ananta Palani.


At long last I am pleased to announce the simultaneous release of digiKam 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 for Windows built against KDE 4.10.2. If you have a short attention span and want to download it immediately see the attached link.

There were numerous bugs I had to fix in digiKam and KDE before release, and fixing them took more time than expected. Extremely sorry for the delay! Rest assured, it was worth it thanks to a major enhancement on the Windows side of things: a new 'solid' interface thanks to the KDE windows team which will drastically speed up time before album display when switching between albums and when viewing digiKam after some minutes away.

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digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0-beta1 is out..

by digiKam.

digikam 3.3.0

Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the first beta release of digiKam Software Collection 3.3.0. This version currently under development, including a new core implementation to manage faces, especially face recognition feature which have never been completed with previous release. Face detection feature still always here and work as expected.

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digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0 is out..

by digiKam.


Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the 3.2.0 release of digiKam Software Collection. This version include a new album interface display mode named list-view. Icon view can be switched to a flat item list, where items can be sorted by properties columns as in a simple file manager. Columns can be customized to show file, image, metadata, or digiKam properties.

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Sharpening in digiKam

by Dmitri Popov.

The Sharpen tool in digiKam offers three sharpening methods: simple sharp, unsharp mask, and refocus. Each method has its advantages and drawbacks. The simple sharp technique uses a standard convolution matrix algorithm to improve image details. If you are curious about the nitty-gritty of the convolution matrix, the GIMP documentation provides a brief description of the algorithm.

Using the Refocus sharpening method

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digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0-beta2 is out..

by digiKam.


Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the second beta release of digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0. This version currently under development, include a new album interface display mode named list-view. Icon view can be switched to a flat item list, where items can be sorted by properties columns as in a simple file manager. Columns can be customized to show file, image, metadata, or digiKam properties. This list-view mode is not yet fully completed and need to be review by users.

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Dealing with Bugs in digiKam

by Dmitri Popov.

Bugs are inevitable in complex software, and digiKam is no exception. So what should you do when you've discovered a bug in your favorite photo management application? As a non-programmer, the best thing you can do is to file the bug with the KDE bug tracking system (digiKam is managed as part of the KDE project). Submitting bugs can be considered a tedious task, but this greatly helps the developers to improve digiKam, and the KDE bug tracking system makes it relatively easy to file bugs and issues.

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