
Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source

digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0-beta1 is out..

by digiKam


Dear all digiKam fans and users!

digiKam team is proud to announce the first beta release of digiKam Software Collection 3.2.0. This version currently under development, include a new album interface display mode named list-view. Icon view can be switched to a flat item list, where items can be sorted by properties columns as in a simple file manager. Columns can be customized to show file, image, metadata, or digiKam properties. This list-view mode is not yet fully completed and need to be review by users.

See the list of files closed with this release into KDE bugzilla.

digiKam software collection tarball can be downloaded from KDE repository

This version is for testing purposes. Please do not use it yet in production! Release plan can be seen here...

Happy digiKam testing...


Will Nepomuk Support be available again?

Nepomuk API have changed a

Nepomuk API have changed a lots and digiKam Nepomuk interface is broken. There is a plan to review interface through a GoSC 2013 project, if it's retained...