
Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source

digiKam 2.x splash-screens: call to photographers !

by digiKam

digiKam 2.0.0-beta2 splash

digiKam 2.0 have been published in beta stage since 2 weeks. Stable 2.0 release is planed for may, with few beta versions to consolidate code with users feedback...

For each beta stage, i plan to include new digiKam and Showfoto splash-screens, and time has come to find the ideal photos to go with it. Now is your chance to join the ranks of the precious few who have had their artwork associated with a release of digiKam!

Splash-screen is a simple way for users to contribute to digiKam project. The pictures must be correctly exposed and composed, and the subject must be chosen using a real photographer inspiration.

Showfoto 2.0.0-beta2 splash

As usual, we need two new splash-screens dedicated to digiKam and Showfoto startup. You can send me by e-mail your Colors or Black and White pictures, taken horizontally. We need only photos, no need to put few marks about program name and version. We have two SVG templates for digiKam and for showfoto to do it later. I will review the best items with the team later...

As reference, see at this page the list of all splash-screens used by digiKam in the past.

Have fun to contribute to digiKam project... and thanks in advance...

I Love Those Splash Screens

I gave a demo of DigiKam to a photography club meeting and used a PCLinuxOS live CD to run it on a borrowed laptop. The very first thing I noticed was that PCLinuxOS had replaced the DigiKam splash screen with their own bland, branded splash screen. My immediate reaction was one of deep disappointment.

I love the DigiKam splash screens. The superb quality splash screen photos really announce that something special is about to happen--and it does. I trust you'll pick some more great ones for the upcoming releases.

(Can I raise a bug report requesting the removal of the option to turn them off?)

what an honor

WOW... the 2nd picture was taken by me...Thanks...Digikam is surely great..