
Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source

kipi-plugins 1.7.0 released…

by digiKam

Dear all digiKam fans and users!

Just at Christmas time, digiKam team is proud to announce Kipi-plugins 1.7.0 !


kipi-plugins tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url

See below the list of new features and bugs-fix coming with this release.

Enjoy digiKam and Happy new year.


General : New plugin to export images to Debian Screenshoots web service (http://screenshots.debian.net).
General : New plugin to export images to an instant messaging contact.


001 ==> 225174 : Facebook : Support new permission API for applications.
002 ==> 254110 : Facebook : Unable to upload photos to a selected album.
003 ==> 254457 : Facebook : Album target fails.
004 ==> 247107 : Facebook : Export to notes, export to pinboard, export to profile.
005 ==> 219284 : Facebook : digiKam facebook export album.
006 ==> 241046 : Facebook : Export Facebook.
007 ==> 232015 : Facebook : KPhotoAlbum Facebook import plugin.
008 ==> 223601 : Facebook : digiKam can’t upload image to facebook.
009 ==> 243381 : ImageViewer : Gwenview (gwenview), signal: Segmentation fault.
010 ==> 256714 : DebianScreenshoots : Add export to screenshots.debian.net.
011 ==> 258953 : DNGConverter : DngConverter changes luminosity of sony ARW files.
012 ==> 255069 : SendImage : Error with spaces in file names in send by email.
013 ==> 251235 : FlashExport : Flash export plugin does not install.
014 ==> 244702 : PicasaWebExport : Picasawebexport unable to select movie.
015 ==> 258824 : PicasaWebExport : After export images to Picasaweb cancel button should change to close.
016 ==> 256713 : Kopete : Send to Kopete contact plugin.
017 ==> 250449 : AdvancedSlideshow : Slideshow does not work with compositing on.
018 ==> 256284 : RemoveRedEyes : digiKam crash on start.


Great to see Advance Slide Show plugin (Ken Burns effect FTW!) working with compositing. Any idea if the bug with Advance Slideshow never looping was fixed? I never reported it (Kipi 1.4), so if you had no idea it existed, my bad :)

Facebook Album bug not fixed?

I grabbed the 1.7.0 version, but I'm still running into the issue of not being able to select the album to upload pictures into. This was one of the things I was hoping would be fixed, and the release notes say it is, but I don't see a change in behavior.

Nice job

Nice work. I was wondering how did you put the Lock/Logout widget to be vertical. By default it's horizontal. I really like the way it is in the photo.

Lock/Logout widget

if you increase the vertical size of the panel enough, the lock/logout widget will automatically get vertical - that's how it worked for me anyway ;)

Where did the duplicate

Where did the duplicate images search tool go? It was a perfect plugin for Gwenview when managing my images. I have tried Digikam but it's overly complex for my tastes.

Archive plugin

Is Archive plugin included again? k3b is already a part of the new KDE. If not included are there plans to include it?

Archive plugin

as it still does not seem to be included - I'd like to vote for this too! Would be a great extension.
Btw, the kipi-plugins.org site is quite outdated.

flashexport translations

what happened to the translations of the flashexport plugin? - they have vanished from the po directory of kipi-plugins 1.7.0

same for

same for kipiplugin_flickrexport, kipiplugin_galleryexport, kipiplugin_htmlexport, kipiplugin_picasawebexport, kipiplugin_piwigoexport, kipiplugin_ipodexport, kipiplugin_kioexportimport, kipiplugin_expoblending

tarballs fixed in sf.net

Today, Nicolas has updated tarballs in sourceforge.net repository to include missing translations files.
