digiKam and Showfoto 0.11 splash-screen contest : best shots selection…
I have receive a lots of candidates for digiKam and Showfoto splash-screens contest opened 2 week ago. Around 70 mails are in my gmail account. So, thanks to all contributors.
After a first selection done by myself, only best shots still in the list. It's time now to review all candidates with digiKam.org team and choose the best one for digiKam and Showfoto. It will be not easy because all images are great to see...
Random images
How about selecting more than one, and showing a random image everytime digiKam/showfoto is launched?
How about make digikam /
How about make digikam / showfoto actually to do not need a splashscreen?
damn, I can think digikam need to load / update the database, but showfoto it's a damned "little" app thinked just for light editing!
List of selected pictures formated with logo and banner
I think the fish image fits well for both application logos, so I’m not sure what to use here. - Andi
I think I would go with the
I think I would go with the peacock for digiKam and the bug for showFoto.
In my opinion the peacock
In my opinion the peacock looks great for digikam, and the fish for showfoto.
I think the Peacock
I think the Peacock (showfoto) and the staircase (digikam). They are all pretty nice. Geoff
As none of my pictures
As none of my pictures reached the next level I would choose the fish and the peacock.
I might suggest that for the next release you ask people to submit *pairs* of somehow related photos, one for digikam and one for showphoto. This would enhance the family-look of both applications.
Kind regards!
PS: Captcha is still almost unreadable and a real PITA! (Trial n° 8!)
Final Splash selection...
See below Final selection for digiKam/Showfoto 0.11.0
By the same way, 2 others photo have been taken from the candidates list to splash the last 0.9.6 digiKam/Showfoto release for KDE3. This will be an translations package update, nothing more...
great software wery well
great software wery well done. I enjoyed the pics.