digiKam and kipi-plugins release for KDE3…
Dear all digiKam fans and users!
Before to close this year, a new digiKam beta release and a new stable kipi-plugins release have be done for KDE3, especially as bug fix and translations updates. Also, shared libraries libkexiv2 and libkdcraw have been updated.
digiKam 0.9.5-beta2 tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url
Kipi-plugins 0.1.7, libkdcraw 0.1.7, and libkexiv2 0.1.8 can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url
Closed files and new features are listed below:
digiKam 0.9.5-beta2 - Release date: 2008-12-14
BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (alias B.K.O | http://bugs.kde.org):
001 ==> 164573 : Better support for small screens.
002 ==> 175970 : digitaglinktree merges tags with same name in different subfolders.
003 ==> 108760 : Use collection image (or part of) as Tag/Album icon.
004 ==> 144078 : very slow avi startup.
005 ==> 146258 : Moving an album into waste basket didn’t remove.
006 ==> 149165 : cannot edit anymore - sqlite lock?
007 ==> 146025 : Wrong image name when using info from EXIF.
008 ==> 167056 : Updating tags is slow when thumbnails are visible.
009 ==> 141960 : Problems with photos without EXIV data when updating me.
010 ==> 129379 : Renamed Album is shown multiple times although there is only on related picture directory.
011 ==> 171247 : Album creation error when name start by a number.
012 ==> 150906 : digiKam unable to connect to Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ3.
013 ==> 148812 : “Auto Rotate/Flip &Using Exif Orientation” fails with some images.
014 ==> 150342 : Camera image window keeps scrolling to the currently downloaded picture.
015 ==> 147475 : digiKam Slideshow - Pause button does not stay sticky / work.
016 ==> 148899 : Image Editor does not get the focus after clicking on an image.
017 ==> 148596 : Empty entries in the “back” drop-down when changing month (date view).
018 ==> 161387 : Unable to import photos with digiKam even though it’s detected.
019 ==> 165229 : Thumbnail complete update does not work reliably, even for jpgs.
Kipi-plugins 0.1.7 - Release date: 2008-12-14
BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (alias B.K.O | http://bugs.kde.org):
001 ==> 175033 : GPSSync : GPSSync does not get any map just a grey square.
002 ==> 175304 : MetadataEdit : db does replicate to iptc or exif.
003 ==> 137359 : MetadataEdit : Unclear wording in kipiplugin_metadataedit.
004 ==> 146381 : JPEGLossLess : Image rotation splits the image with a small strip appearing on the wrong side.
005 ==> 155023 : SendImages : Crashs when trying to send images via digiKam.
006 ==> 170272 : FlickrExport : Undefined signature problem prevents uploading to flickr.
007 ==> 161114 : SendImages : Resizing and emailing from digikam results in no-more readable files.
008 ==> 147685 : General : Errors in error and “what’s this” messages – No way to select text in an error box.
009 ==> 146293 : MetadataEdit : Plugins/Images/metadata: untranslated.
010 ==> 140345 : BatchProcess : kipiplugins do not work due to trying to save the result into the root directory.
011 ==> 163395 : SendImages : digiKam and encoding errors in flickr export and mail attachments.
012 ==> 136941 : BatchProcess : Graphical picture ordering and renaming.
013 ==> 149394 : General : Recover lost/deleted images from flash memory/camera.
014 ==> 162441 : PicasaWebExport : Unable to create an album.
015 ==> 162993 : PicasaWebExport : Picasa album list not refreshed.
016 ==> 162994 : PicasaWebExport : Picasa album list does not contain “not listed” albums, contains only “public” albums.
017 ==> 174353 : GPSSync : Kipi-plugin geolocation does not work anymore.
018 ==> 132982 : BatchProcess : Batch rename limited, should allow renaming by patterns.
libkdcraw-0.1.7 - Release date: 2008-12-14
Updated to LibRaw to 0.6.3 : NEF processing code changed (some overflow control added).
Updated to LibRaw to 0.6.2.
New cameras: Canon G10 & 5D Mk2, Leaf AFi 7, Leica D-LUX4, Panasonic FX150 & G 1, Fujifilm IS Pro.
libkexiv2-0.1.8 - Release date: 2008-12-14
- API changed: Move all Exiv2 classes acess methods to interanl provate container. ABI number set to 5.0.0.
- Fix broken compilation with Exiv2 0.18.
- Support TIFF metadata writting mode (require Exiv2 >= 0.18).
- Added new methods canWriteComment(), canWriteExif(), canWriteIptc().
- Added new method supportMetadataWritting().
- Do not change file time-stamp when metadata are changed.
BUGFIXES FROM KDE BUGZILLA (alias B.K.O | http://bugs.kde.org):
001 ==> 158989 : digiKam won’t start: MakerTagInfo registry full.
002 ==> 157173 : Crash by adding gps data to pictures.
All digiKam and Kipi-plugins teams wish you a merry Christmas and an happy new year.
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for remembering the many kde3 users that are still around. My workplace has decided not to move to kde4 for a couple of years and having updated kde3 applications makes life much easier.
Thanks for you all work
Build and runs OK on AMD64 box
I tried building the latest digikam on my AMD64 box, with KDE 3.5.9.
uname -smovr
Linux #1 SMP 2008-10-21 16:30:26 +0200 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Got in digikam-0.9.5-beta2 and kipi-plugins-0.1.7. They required a bit of extra package loading before they built without complaint, but eventually they were installed. digikam reports:
digikam --version
Qt: 3.3.8b
KDE: 3.5.9 "release 49.1"
digiKam: 0.9.5-beta2
Very nice package. The GUI is quite responsive.
I did notice that, in Settings->Configure Digikam->Kipi Plugins, the Kipi library version is shown as 0.1.6. A bit confusing. But in the Help sections of the corresponding Tools and Batch menu entries, the Kipi version is shown (properly) as 0.1.7.
Again, thanks for your work.
libkipi != kipi-plugins
In Settings->Configure Digikam->Kipi Plugins, the version show on top/right is libkipi release id, not kipi-plugins. The library version is not the same than kipi-plugins.
I figured I was misunderstanding something
Thanks for the clarification.
Joyeux Noel
Hi, we're having a fixed IP
we're having a fixed IP ADSL connection, used by
just two people. Yesterday I built digikam-0.9.5-beta2
plus kipi-plugins-0.1.7. Then I started to use the kipi
geotagging plugin for testing purposes and tagged a
couple of my photos with geo information.
When I tagged my 8th photo, I suddenly couldn't view
any satellite information anymore. It turned out that my IP
was entirely blocked from satellite view by Google and I'm
still blocked today. Of course I also reported that at
Google, but...
...given that Google does that if they encounter unusual
access, I'm wondering if the new kipi geotagging plugin
isn't using an invalid access method which is treated
by Google as hostile. The map content of the
geotagging plugin also looks somewhat broken, even when in
normal map view. The UI elements don't seem to match
correctly, for instance.
Btw., the captchas are partly unreadable. I had to enter
this a couple of times. What's a vertical stripe with a
dot below?!?
Googles reply
Google response is wrong...
Geolocation plugin do not use GoogleMaps api directly. We use a web browser (konqueror) session embeded in a widget to display map and just an relay url to play with googlemap.
Re: Google response is wrong...
Hi Gilles,
Thanks, I will certainly forward this information to the
google group thread.
But why could that have happened then? At the time
I did nothing else with google, just using the geotagging
plugin in Digikam. And all of a sudden I was blocked.
Do you have any idea?
Perhaps something has changed...
Perhaps something has changed in public googlemap api and using depreciated methods are blocked by web service to force googlemap clients to use new api...
Re: Perhaps something has changed...
Hi Gilles,
I got another reply from the guy at Google, see
There's also this point in the FAQ
which questions what he claims about using the API in
applications like digikam is not covered by the Terms
of Service.