digiKam : Google summer of code - call for students
As KDE is a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2008 (see this page for details) it would be great if we get some nice projects related to digiKam.
If you are a student interested in a paid summer internship with Google, mentored by members of the digiKam team, please get in contact with us now.
Important: Application deadline: April 7 2008
Possible projects are:
1/ Advanced image resize for image editor
==> KDE3 and KDE4
2/ New High Dynamic Range (HDR) plugin
==> KDE3 and KDE4
This could involve
- contrast masking
- HDR generation and tone-mapping (but we have qtpfsgui for that …!)
- enfuse (see the hugin project for details)
3/ KROSS integration
==> KDE4 only
This would be very powerful as it allows to script digiKam via python, ruby etc.
(For example realized for krita).
4/ Face detection/recognition
==> KDE3 and KDE4
Note that it is not possible to mentor all projects at the same time, so in case of many applicants
it might be necessary to do a selection.
First steps:
a) you should join the digikam-devel mailing list
b) choose a project which interests you. Of course you can extend any of the projects listed above, or even propose a new one (and tell us about it on the mailing list).
c) install the current version from svn
d) optionally: to demonstrate your coding skills:
fix any of pending bugs by providing a patch in the bug-tracker ;-)
e) Before submitting your proposal you need contact us to discuss all relevant details.
f) When it comes to writing the proposal, the page How to write applications for KDE Google Summer Of Code? is highly recommended!
g) All necessary steps are given in the Guide to the Google Summer of Code Web App for Student Applicants
The digiKam Team
Note that it is not possible
Note that it is not possible to mentor all projects at the same time, so in case of many applicants it might be necessary to do a selection.